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The benefits of nutrition on overall sleep health Nov 18th, 2024

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, the importance of a good night's sleep cannot be overstated. Sleep plays a vital role in our overall health and well-being, impacting everything from cognitive function to mood regulation. Surprisingly, one often overlooked factor that can significantly influence the quality of our...

Acupuncture vs. Sleeping Pills: Which is more Effective for Insomnia? Nov 8th, 2024

We've all had those nights where it feels like our brains are having a party without us, leaving us staring at the ceiling while the rest of the world snoozes away. Insomnia, the pesky condition that disrupts our sleep, can wreak havoc on our health, mood, and overall well-being. When...

Understanding the Connection Between Nutrition and Migraines Oct 21st, 2024

he Basics of Migraines Migraines are much more than just a bad headache. They are often categorized by the following features: Throbbing or pulsing pain, usually on one side of the head Nausea or vomiting Sensitivity to light and sound Aura (visual or sensory disturbances) prior to the onset of...

Managing Migraine Pain with Acupuncture: A Natural Approach to Relief Oct 4th, 2024

Understanding Acupuncture Acupuncture is a key component of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), dating back thousands of years. The practice involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to restore balance and promote healing. From a Western medical standpoint, acupuncture is thought to stimulate nerves, muscles, and connective tissue,...

Nutritional strategies for coping with stress and anxiety Sep 20th, 2024

Introduction to Stress and Anxiety Understanding the Connection Between Nutrition and Mental Health Stress and anxiety are like those uninvited guests who show up at the party of life and refuse to leave. We've all been there, feeling overwhelmed and frazzled by the demands of daily life. But did you...

Acupuncture: A Natural Approach to Anxiety Relief Sep 2nd, 2024

Introduction to Acupuncture for Anxiety Feeling anxious? Needles might not be the first thing that come to mind, but acupuncture is a centuries-old practice that many turn to for relief from anxiety. Let's delve into how this ancient technique can help calm those racing thoughts. Overview of Acupuncture Acupuncture involves...

The Gut-Brain Connection in Trauma Recovery Aug 19th, 2024

Introduction to the Gut-Brain Connection The Bidirectional Communication Pathway Alright, folks, let's dive into the fascinating world of the gut-brain connection. Imagine a two-way street where your gut and brain chat like old pals, influencing each other in ways you never thought possible. Buckle up, it's going to be a...

Unlocking Healing:Using Acupuncture for Trauma Recovery Aug 14th, 2024

The Role of Acupuncture in Complementary Medicine In the realm of complementary medicine, acupuncture stands out as a holistic approach that aims to restore balance and harmony within the body. By stimulating specific points on the body, acupuncture is believed to regulate the flow of energy, or Qi, to promote...

Managing ADHD with Acupuncture Jul 26th, 2024

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurological condition that affects millions of children and often continues into adulthood. Characterized by symptoms such as impulsivity, hyperactivity, and inattention, ADHD can impact various aspects of life, including academic performance and interpersonal relationships. While traditional treatments like medication and behavioral therapy are common, many...

The Critical Link Between Nutrition and ADHD: What Every Parent Should Know Jul 22nd, 2024

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the intricate relationship between nutrition and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). As parents grapple with the complexities of managing ADHD, it becomes imperative to understand the role that nutrition and dietary choices can play in influencing behavior and cognitive function....

Wellness Wednesday: The Jedi Code: A Guide To Better Mental Health May 4th, 2024

While entirely fictional, the enigmatic concept known as “The Force” is based on some very real principles. In the movie, Star Wars, the “Force” is often spoken of by members of a religious order called the Jedi.   The warrior-priests of the Jedi Order served as the main proponents of...

Common Essential Oil Uses Apr 24th, 2024

Aromatherapy as used today originated in Europe and has been practiced there since the early 1900s. Practitioners of aromatherapy believe that every oil has a vibration or note, which can be used for different therapeutic applications.  Aromatherapy can be used to relax and soothe the mind and body, to energize...

Nutrition Nugget: Oatmeal: Neglected Food with Many Health Benefits Apr 10th, 2024

People nowadays are being conscious about their health and are beginning to incorporate exercise and different kinds of nutrition programs into their daily routines. In the 21st century where the high protein diet and other nutrition/diet fads have ruled, less attention is given to the nutrition and health benefits of...

The Powerful Connection Between Acupuncture and Healing from Trauma Mar 29th, 2024

When we experience trauma, whether it be from a single distressing event or prolonged periods of stress, our body and mind can bear the burden long after the initial shock has passed. Trauma can manifest in various ways, from anxiety and depression to physical pain and tension. The mind-body connection...

Nutrition Nugget: Weight Loss Plateau Mar 19th, 2024

The human body is capable of achieving incredible feats that seem to defy science. Athletes can lift weights that their bodies shouldn't be able to handle, and people can recover from extreme physical trauma. While these feats are impressive, there are some physical reactions that people don't like, such as...

Nutrition Nugget: A Balanced Diet Mar 14th, 2024

Having a balanced/ nutritious diet is crucial for maintaining good health and overall well-being. A balanced diet refers to consuming a variety of nutrient-rich foods from all food groups in appropriate quantities. A balanced diet must consist of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water in the right amounts to...

Acupuncture: Enhancing Female Health and Wellness Mar 10th, 2024

Introduction Acupuncture has been a trusted practice for centuries, offering a holistic approach to female health and wellness. As women navigate the complexities of their bodies and hormonal fluctuations, acupuncture emerges as a powerful tool in restoring balance and vitality. Let's explore the profound benefits of acupuncture in promoting overall...

Nutrition Nugget: 3 supplements that can keep the Brain Healthy Mar 4th, 2024

The brain is one of the most important parts of our body. It controls everything we do, from breathing to thinking. However, there are still many things we don't know about the brain and how it works. That's why it can be hard to know what we need to do...

Acupuncture and Mental Wellness Feb 28th, 2024

Acupuncture, a traditional Chinese medicine practice, has gained recognition as a valuable complementary therapy for addressing mental health issues. Its popularity in wellness centers and holistic healthcare settings continues to grow, reflecting a shift towards embracing alternative and holistic approaches to mental well-being. The Body-Mind Connection: How Acupuncture Supports Mental...

Nutrition Nugget: Food for Better Sleep Feb 21st, 2024

Diet plays an essential role in an individual's overall health and well-being, including one's sleep quality. Consuming nutrient-rich foods and avoiding unhealthy and processed foods can significantly improve an individual's sleep quality. A balanced diet with the right mix of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats can aid in improving sleep quality...

Telehealth: The Advantages of Telemedicine Feb 20th, 2024

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered dramatic changes throughout everyday life — and in the medical community as well. Not only are providers across the country postponing elective procedures, but many are also encouraging people to avoid in-office appointments to reduce their risk of exposure to this highly contagious coronavirus.But what...

Couples Conversations: Sex Lives Can Lead To Healthy Marriages Feb 14th, 2024

A number of couples restrict themselves from talking about sexuality and their sex lives. Some are shy while others are reluctant to open up with their respective partners. This approach to sexuality can lead to ruined marriages.  Sexuality is one of the key factors in having a healthy marriage. Sex...

Acupuncture Points: Acupuncture Points Map Jan 24th, 2024

Practitioners of the ancient Chinese art of acupuncture rely on the acupuncture points map to free trapped energy in the body and restore health. You might have spotted this type of chart of the human body on the wall of your holistic doctor’s office or during a visit to a...

Wellness Wednesday: Stress - How Aromatherapy can combat its Effects Jan 10th, 2024

Unfortunately, in today's fast paced, highly technical world … Stress, worry and anxiety are facts of life and we have become accustomed to feeling stressed 24/7!  We are a ‘Stressed-out Nation’ and are dealing with our stress in unhealthy ways! More than half of working adults are NOW concerned with...

Nutrition Nugget: Nutritional Cleansing vs. Fad Diets Jan 3rd, 2024

The United States is facing a major health crisis. We are sicker and more overweight than ever before, and this is a problem that cannot be ignored. Obesity is becoming more common in both adults and children, and it is now the leading cause of preventable illness in the country....

Happy Together: Marriage Counseling: Using Games to Reduce Tension Dec 12th, 2023

Marriage is one of the most enjoyable but also one of the most painful experiences that people undergo. It carries with it the whiff of romance and eternal bliss, but sometimes you get a pack of thorns instead. How Do You Ensure Your Marriage Is a Bed of Roses and...

It’s No Joke, Laughter is Awesome Medicine! Dec 1st, 2023

You go right ahead! Laugh and cackle to the point of losing your breath! Laughter has enormous amounts of health benefits ranging from affecting diabetes to lowering risks of heart attacks and everything in between! In this modern world that we live in, full of medicinal remedies and medical breakthroughs,...

Nutrition Nugget: Food Order to Optimize Digestion Nov 28th, 2023

The order in which you consume food plays a crucial role in digestion. Contrary to popular belief, the sequence of your meals is as important as what you eat. The order in which you consume food determines how efficiently your body breaks down different nutrients. Thus, to ensure optimal digestion,...

Happy Together: Making Love Last (When infertility comes between your marriage) Nov 7th, 2023

Jay and Mariana are the perfect couple. They met and dated during their senior year in high school and had been inseparable ever since.  After a long wait, they were finally engaged right after finishing college. After less than a year of college,  Jay and Mariana decided to tie the...

Essential Oil Series: DIY Room Spray Oct 27th, 2023

DIY Room Spray Add 10  drops of your favorite essential oil of your choosing ( we like stress away from Young Living) or your favorite blend to a 16 oz. glass spray bottle.  Fill 1/2 of the glass bottle with unscented witch hazel.  Fill the bottle the rest of the...

Essential Oil Series: Pillow Spray Oct 20th, 2023

DIY Pillow Spray Add your favorite essential blend into a 2 oz spray bottle. Fill ½ of the spray bottle with unscented witch hazel and ½ with distilled water.   Put on the spray bottle top. Shake well.   Spray pillows and sheets before bed.

Massage Your Head Oct 18th, 2023

Massage, a revered form of healing, has been in practice for decades. Touch which is vitally important to human well being takes the form of skilled and sensitive massage. Beside relaxing and revitalizing an ailing or tired body, it communicates warmth, reassurance and a sense of self worth. Massage is...

Essential oil series: reed diffusers Oct 13th, 2023

Reed Diffusers Are A Simple, Flame-Free Way To Fill A Space Continuously With Fragrance. Fill your diffuser vase with 3.5 ounces of liquid carrier oil, Young Living’s V-6, fractioned coconut oil or sweet almond oil.  Add your favorite essential oil blend to the vase. Insert  4-8 reeds into the open...

Nutrition Nugget: Dining Out Oct 11th, 2023

Dining out can be a real challenge if you're trying to maintain a healthy diet. It's not just the temptation to indulge in high-calorie foods that can make it difficult, but the added fats, sugars, and sodium in restaurant meals can quickly derail your nutrition goals. But with a few...

Essential Oil Series: Diffusers Oct 6th, 2023

Transform your home or workplace into your personal aromatherapy oasis!  An ultrasonic diffuser from Young Living doesn’t use heat, and as there is no heat present,  a vapour or water mist is created when the water is hit by ultrasonic vibrations, at a frequency that our ears cannot hear.  ...

Nutrition Nugget: Managing the Neurodivergent Brain with Nutrition Sep 20th, 2023

Neurodivergence, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)  or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) all describe people whose brain processes, learns, and/or behaves differently from what is considered "typical'. While traditional treatment options often involve medication, nutrition can also play a role in managing neurodivergent symptoms. Glucose, vitamin B, iron, and fish oil are...

A Fear of Art Sep 10th, 2023

Do you feel uneasy just thinking of picking up  a paint brush again? It's so hard to paint something, and you don't want to make a fool of yourself! But the truth is, it's very easy to paint. Children do it, don't they? Children don't think about the expecting something...

Couples Conversations: Health Benefits of Marriage and More Sep 5th, 2023

The number of marriages ending in divorce is on the rise and many couples are now starting to re-evaluate their relationships. But while the increasing statistics may be true, it is important to know some facts about marriage and how it benefits both spouses, physically, emotionally. psychologically, even financially. According...

Aromatherapy Diffusers Aug 11th, 2023

Having a unique and natural perfume dispersed into the atmosphere of your home or office can’t help but stimulate the senses. In a refreshing blend of pure and natural essential oils derived from the different parts of the plants such as flowers, berries, leaves, and barks, aromatherapy diffusers are able...

Couples Conversations : Counselling: Salvaging Your Happily-Ever-After Aug 9th, 2023

They say a healthy and harmonious relationship promotes well-being to the people involved in it.  But what happens when the marriage starts dwindling?  When the sparks seem to have disappeared?  Anxiety builds up - anxiety that will destroy the couple’s general outlook on relationships.  And what’s the first solution that...

Couple Conversations : Communication is Key or How to Fight Fair Jul 25th, 2023

Meredith, 30, had been married to Ralph, 32, for more than six years.  She was a stay-at-home wife and he was a top business executive.  Ralph's work has kept him so busy that he really thinks that he has no time to start a “family.” His frequent business travelers have...

Nutrition Nugget: Living a Healthy Life Jul 13th, 2023

In the fast paced world that we live in it can be easy to neglect our health and wellness. We’re so busy racing through our day to day lives – family, friends, work, social engagements – that we don’t take the time to look after ourselves. It’s really no wonder...

Wellness Wednesday: 5 Low Cost Ways to Soothe the Sting of Sunburn Jul 4th, 2023

Each of us most likely has at least one memory of nasty sunburn.  Whether experienced personally, or by a close family member or friend, the symptoms are likely to include anything from red hot skin – either tender or painful to touch, to nausea, dehydration, blistering and flaking or peeling...

Couples Conversations: Love Isn't Everything Jun 27th, 2023

One of the most famous songs by the band The Eagles was titled “Love Will Keep Us Alive.”  A lot of married couples would disagree with that, saying that love won't be able to pay the bills, nor will it feed hungry mouths.    But in terms of relationships, love...

Essentials Oils - Natures Precious Gift Jun 13th, 2023

Essential Oils: Nature's Precious Gift Have you ever wondered what is the reason for perfume in flowers and other plant parts? They are the essential oils. But in addition to the aromatic part, the essential oils also contain plant hormones and some other compounds. The essential oils are highly effective...

Wellness Wednesday: What is Anxiety? May 31st, 2023

It is normal for every person to experience anxiety attacks, especially during stressful situations and traumatic events in life. As health experts say, anxiety is a typical  response of a person's body that signals possible dangers ahead. However, when anxiety becomes extreme to the point that it prevents a person...

Wellness Wednesday: Depression Q&A: Common Kinds Of The Depression May 24th, 2023

What is Depression? Depression is a disorder, engaged in a person’s body, mood and thoughts. It can influence and interrupts eating, sleeping or judging manner. It is different from unhappiness or a “down” feeling. It is also not an indication of personal flaws or a condition that can be motivated...

Wellness Wednesday: Mental Health of Teens May 10th, 2023

Usually in our adolescence, we are exposed to many sudden and inexplicable mood swings as a result of our body undergoing various hormonal changes that prepare us for adulthood.During this time in life, adolescents can suffer from a wide range of mental illnesses, and are more commonly afflicted for the...

Wellness Wednesday: Mental Health: Knowing When To Get Help May 3rd, 2023

Some people can get so depressed or problematic that they even reach a point where they question their own sanity.  Many people actually wonder if they have really “gone over the edge.” How about you?  Try to answer these questions: Do you have feelings of sadness or irritability? Has there...

Guard Your Mental Health May 1st, 2023

By mental health I'm simply referring to the state of our minds and the ways that our thinking affects our lives. I'm talking about caring for our minds in the same ways that we care for our physical bodies. One of the biggest ways to promote mental health is to...

Wellness Wednesday: Balance Your Life With Stress Relief Techniques Apr 26th, 2023

Nothing is permanent in this world except change. And since any sort of change causes stress, then, people should just accept that stress is a fact of life that we all have to live with.  But what exactly is stress?  Stress is a psychological and physiological response to events that...

Wellness Wednesday: How Stress Affects Your Health Apr 19th, 2023

In our high-powered world of technology we find our lives going at such a rapid pace that things seem to be spinning out of control. This and normal everyday problems with family and money contribute to a build up of stress. This is one of the main reasons that we...

Nutrition Nugget: Starbucks Breakfast Apr 17th, 2023

These days, one of the most popular breakfast choices is from the well-known coffee chain, Starbucks. It is convenient and tastes good. However, despite its convenience and deliciousness, Starbucks is not necessarily a healthy breakfast option. The main problem with Starbucks as a breakfast option is its high sugar content....

Nutrition and mood Feb 19th, 2023

Nutrition and mood are closely linked, with a poor diet often exacerbating symptoms of depression and anxiety and an improved diet often resulting in an overall improvement in mental health. Considering that we are what we eat, it is clear that our diet plays a pivotal role in emotional wellbeing....

Wellness Wednesday: How Essential Fatty Acids Improve Your Brain Power and Mental Health Feb 15th, 2023

What is your brain made of? Over 50% of your brain is made of good fat. Twenty percent of this good fat comes from EPA and DHA. Remember EPA and DHA comes from, * omega-3 fatty acids * eating fish * borage oil * primrose oil * parilla oil *...

Wellness Wednesday: Improve Your Brain Health Feb 8th, 2023

As we get older, our brains get rusty. This deterioration of the brain eventually leads to Alzheimer’s disease. There are ways to improve your brain health however and decrease your chances of getting Alzheimer’s disease. Eating a lot of colorful fruits and vegetables is important for brain health. The brighter...

Wellness Wednesday: Learn How To Breathe Properly And Stop Denying Yourself Of Energy Feb 1st, 2023

Did you know that breathing is the only essential bodily function performed unconsciously, that you can control consciously? Your body can go without food for months, water for weeks and yet your body can't go without oxygen for more than a few minutes. Think about it. The power of breath...

Wellness Wednesday: Assessing your Sleep Jan 25th, 2023

If counting sheep is not working for you, here are some facts you may want to sleep on-chronic sleep deprivation can do more than make you tired. It can significantly affect your health, safety, performance, and lifestyle. Most people are surprised to learn that sleeping less than six or seven...

Wellness Minute: Live life well again! Jan 21st, 2023

You’ve heard it a million times and you’ll probably hear it a million more – drink more water! Think about it: The human body is 72% water. A 5% drop in fluids creates a 25-30% loss in energy. A 15% drop in fluids causes death! At this point in time...

Acupuncture Points: All things Acupuncture Oct 28th, 2022

Acupuncture Points is our the title for  blog posts  and a once a moth short talk about all things related to Acupuncture.  Each month join us in person or online live for chats.    Our acupuncturist will chat about different acupuncture topics and spend a brief time answering questions.   Missed a...

Apps & Art Oct 26th, 2022

Apps & Artis a once a month group that will allow you the chance to enter into a different world for a few hours.  Enjoy some light snacking while you explore your creative side, let your hair down and meet new people. Each month a different theme is created. Some...

Pour it out: a support group for moms Oct 21st, 2022

What is Pour it Out? It is a small group of women from Vancouver, Camas, Battleground and other surrounding areas, that join forces to navigate the wonderful and crazy world of motherhood.  During this once a month group (check the events calendar for exact dates)  moms will spend 60 minutes...

Nutrition Nugget: Nutritional Psychology- How What you Eat Impacts How you Feel Aug 14th, 2022

The old saying is that we should eat to live and not live to eat, but what we eat can actually do more than help put our bodies on their feet, and can it change how we feel, or even perceive life? That’s the question that Nutritional Psychology asks and...

Nutrition Nugget: Emotional Eating Mar 9th, 2022

People normally eat more whenever celebrations arise, such as birthdays and the holidays. We tend to ear more whenever these kinds of events occur. In line with this, a new study found out that people who have the tendency to eat in response to external factors, such as holidays and...

Acupuncture Points - Fast Escape From Infertility Feb 9th, 2022

Primarily a Chinese remedy, acupuncture is a complementary modern treatment that cures infertility problems in both men and women. Acupuncture for infertility is most effective for those people who are suffering from problems like irregular ovulation, or blockage in the sperm ducts.  Acupuncture works in a way different from all...

Nutrition Nugget: A Closer Look at the Impact of how Smoking Impacts the Fertility of Daughters Jan 12th, 2022

A new research study has found and identified a chemical pathway by which a mother's smoking before and after pregnancy might reduce her daughter's fertility by as much as two thirds. As we all know, cigarette smoking during pregnancy is a definite no-no, and has been shown in retrospective studies...

Nutrition Nugget: The Importance of Understanding Your “Macros” Dec 27th, 2021

There is something that proves instrumental not just in the weight management equation but also in the balance of nutrients.  It’s important to understand your macronutrient profile.   In addition to knowing your daily calorie intake it’s important to know your “macro” profile. It’s a way to personalize your nutrition....

Emotional Freedom Techniques & Answers From Acupuncture Dec 13th, 2021

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is a healing tool based on the theory that our emotions and physical symptoms are linked to the underlying energy system of the body. That energy system is the acupuncture meridian system known to the Chinese for thousands of years. EFT was developed by Stanford Engineer...

Nutrition Nugget: Using Mindfulness During the Holidays Dec 3rd, 2021

The Holidays bring to mind parties, family gatherings (especially after many have experienced not being able to meet prior due to Covid), and just the easy accessibility of enticingedibles no matter where you turn.  With these happy and festivetimes not the best food choices can accompany.    Rather than thinking...

Nutrition Nuggets: Eating Your Way To Better Sexual Health Nov 10th, 2021

What do grapes, oysters, and chocolates have in common? Well, aside from being food, they're all supposedly aphrodisiacs. For  the unaware, an aphrodisiac is basically a food or drug that has effects on sexual health, typically by either making it  easier to become sexually aroused or by boosting sexual performance....

Acupuncture Points: Arthritis Pain Relief Oct 13th, 2021

Many Arthritis pain sufferers have turned to acupuncture for healing and easing the pain. A study was conducted on over 500 elderly patients who suffered from Osteoarthritis in the knee. Only some of them were given the actual acupuncture treatment while others were given a fake acupuncture treatment. The treatment...

Nutrition Nugget: Eating the Right Food and Maintaining Good Eating Habits is Essential Sep 8th, 2021

How many times have you been on a business trip and just been too busy to have a proper lunch? With today's fast-paced lifestyle, it is important to follow these essential guidelines to proper nutrition and good eating habits on the road. When selecting meat, poultry, dry beans, and milk...

Yoga Thursdays Aug 12th, 2021

Join us on Thursday night as Jane guides us in the practice of Yoga. $10 per session All levels welcome-Bring a mat, towel and water

Acupuncture points: Weight Loss Aug 11th, 2021

Are you a sugar user? More and more people are resorting to high sugar drinks and snacks for a quick jolt of energy. But the trouble with using sugar for an energy boost, is that it sets up a roller-coaster effect that can soon become addictive and lead to health...

A Closer Look on the Side Effects of Birth Control Products Jul 4th, 2021

esearch and studies have been made on the effectiveness and reported risks of using birth control products, with results as varied as the number of the said products being sold today. These products actually deserve that much attention most especially since there is now about 100 million women worldwide who...

Acupuncture and Autism Jun 3rd, 2021

Acupuncture is a holistic approach in treating and preventing certain diseases. Its main tool are very thin needles that are inserted to targeted points in the body. The body has about 400 of them linked through a system known as meridians or pathways. Once these are stimulated, these are supposed...

5 Tips To Losing Weight While Keeping Your Sanity May 31st, 2021

Losing weight is the goal of many individuals worldwide however there is no simple way to drop the pounds like taking a pill or simply wishing them away. Unfortunately, losing weight takes determination and commitment to a healthy diet and exercise plan and even then it takes longer than we...

5-HTP - Nature's Anti-Depressant May 26th, 2021

What is 5-HTP?The Griffonia Extract is rich in 5-HydroxyTryptophan (5-HTP), which comes from an African vegetable, the Griffonia simplicifolia seed, and contains 30% 5ñHTP. 5-HTP is an amino acid that is a direct precursor of serotonin, an important neurotransmitter having pain soothing and relaxing effects. 5-HTP is not present in...

A Glimpse Into The Holistic Approach To Medicine May 19th, 2021

If you've been listening to the medical community intermittently recently, you may have heard the word holistic dropped every so often. You might have heard it, but you may not have much of an idea of what it means and simply dismissed it as medical jargon. The term is used...

6 Simple Breathing Exercise To Deal With Stress May 17th, 2021

Breathing is something we all do during our life time. We all know we are going to die if we are not breathing. Breathing is a reflex action done by our body to provide the flow of oxygen around the body to the vital organs. Wikipedia, online encyclopedia, describes humans...

Acupuncture Can Help You Quit Smoking May 14th, 2021

Acupuncture is an ancient practice involving the use of needles. This instrument is inserted into the skin to allow you energy or Qi to start flowing freely around your body and thus help you quit smoking.  When you go visit an acupuncturist for the first time and tell him or...

Nominate Apr 9th, 2021

We love the patients that we serve.  Help us get the word out to more people about the wellness services that we offer and how we can help people live well again.

Lowering blood pressure with the help of acupuncture Mar 29th, 2021

Doctors and scientists from the Irvine university of California have recently discovered a new method of lowering blood pressure. This method is based on electroacupuncture, which seems to have a significant effect in lowering blood pressure. The method has been tested on rats, by inducing low electric stimulation at the...

How Come Acupuncture Brings Perfect Results For All? Mar 24th, 2021

Acupuncture is the gentle insertion of extremely fine needles at specific points of the body. The theory behind acupuncture is that there are two thousand energy points on the body that are connected by twenty pathways [meridians] running throughout the length of the body. These pathways conduct flow of energy...

How Acupuncture Can Change You Mar 15th, 2021

Ancient Chinese cultures did believe that the "Chi" was found in the body to be the sole energy source in the body, and there were also different energy paths and lines that ran across this "Chi." Anytime anyone experiences pain it is usually believed that the "Chi" is responsible. By...

Everything You Should Know About Acupuncture- part 2 Mar 10th, 2021

When you attend an acupuncturist, you will often be sent home with "homework". This may include enjoying herbal teas, doing some stretching or strength building exercises. Always follow through with what you are told you do as the recommendation will speed up your treatment and bring you results more quickly....

Everything You Need To Know About Acupuncture Mar 8th, 2021

When it comes to acupuncture, it is important that you remain patient. Although you will likely feel some improvement soon after your first appointment, it is going to take time to experience large results. Allow yourself to go through several treatments so you can achieve the optimum results from this...

An Alternative to Prescription Drugs: Acupuncture Feb 25th, 2021

There are thousands of individuals who are inflicted with physical and mental ailments and many people are diagnosed with these problems every year. What is troubling, though, is the fact that many times these patients are simply given prescription medications to treat the symptoms that they have as though prescription...

You Should Make Walking An Every Day Priority Feb 23rd, 2021

No one needs to be reminded that the fitness craze has arrived in full bloom and hints to us that it's not going away anytime soon. For the more, shall we say, "leisurely" type of person, this can cause a lot of guilt. "I'm going to start walking -- next...

Don't Get Into Acupuncture Without Reading This First Feb 22nd, 2021

While a needle phobia may be restricting your foray into acupuncture, it is important that you try to get past this. Acupuncture can help get rid of pain and make your life simpler. Get pain relief through acupuncture without letting anxiety get in your way. Don't eat too much before...

Therapy and Counseling: Insanity Not Required Feb 18th, 2021

All of us go through some rough times in life. Some people go through experiences that make them feel as if the entire world is closing in on them. Family issues, troubles in school, and job-related problems can cause stress and anxiety which affect our physical, emotional and psychological well-being....

Acupuncture Tips And Tricks Everyone Should Know Feb 17th, 2021

You may be wondering when you can expect to feel results from acupuncture. Most of the time, acupuncture can provide immediate pain relief. In fact, you may feel better the day of your acupuncture appointment. In other cases, it will take a few days before you experience any results. If...

Your Body Is An Engine Feb 16th, 2021

Growing up around surface coal mining and machines with engines, I learned a lot about how engines work and the basics that they need. Now today learning about nutrition I find some similarities. Stay with me here. It will make sense, I hope. The needs of your body are similar...

All About Acupuncture Feb 15th, 2021

Why Was Acupuncture Started? Even though there is no definite answer on the question, there are definitely many theories as to why acupuncture was started in the Chinese culture. In fact, acupuncture was started so long ago in ancient Chinese civilization that there are some who claim that the therapy...

Your Diet... Is It Putting Your Health At Risk? Feb 11th, 2021

Are you feeling tired, stressed, or apathetic? Did you know these are all common signs of a diet lacking nutritional value? If you are dieting, ill, or eating a fast-food diet, you should you be concerned that you and your family are getting proper nutrition from your food. - How...

Acupuncture, Is It A Safe Alternative? Feb 8th, 2021

Among Asian countries, acupuncture is a very popular alternative pain relief means. It has been slowly gaining a following in western countries. Although there is a lack of scientific evidence to explain the efficacy of this treatment, people in the medical field are suggesting this form of treatment to their...

Your Immune System: How It Works And How You Can Support It Feb 5th, 2021

Do you know what your immune system is? The parts your immune system is made up of? How it works? Those are the things that we'll explore in this article. What Is Your Immune System? Your immune system is your body's defense system. Whenever any kind of pathogen, such as...

Acupuncture - Benefits Feb 1st, 2021

Before we begin a discussion about the benefits of acupuncture, let's talk about the origins of acupuncture. It was first used in China over 2000 years ago, and is one of the oldest medical procedures in the world. It is a family of procedures that stimulates the anatomy of the...

The Wonders Of Medicines Jan 21st, 2021

There are probably more medicines than there are illnesses to be cured. We all know that medicines are developed to make us feel better when we are feeling sick. However, most people don't realize that all medicines have risks as well as benefits. Medicines may cause unwanted side effects or...

Your Immune System Needs Support Too! Jan 19th, 2021

The human body is a very vulnerable organism, except for the very strong line of defense that the immune system has thrown around it. Without the natural defense system provided by the immune system, the bacteria, microbes, viruses, toxins, parasites, etc., would reduce the body to its chemical components in...

Therapy is key to a stress-free life Jan 13th, 2021

People often encounter situations that can bring them stress or anxiety. Sometimes, these tough situations can bring out the best in a person. In some cases, stress can also lead to more serious cases of anxiety, or even anxiety attacks. But what is an anxiety attack? Since anxiety is closely...

Acupuncture: Real or Myth? Jan 12th, 2021

Why Acupuncture is Considered a Myth Many people consider acupuncture to be a myth because there are already so many myths in the Chinese culture that have not yet been debunked. Further to that, many people logically process the thought that just because the Chinese considered the acupuncture therapy to...

Your Quality of Life Jan 5th, 2021

Your body is a living biological organism just like any plant or other animal, all your organs, fluids and cells work as a team, if one part of the team is not at its best, your body becomes diseased and illness sets in. Think of your body as a football...

Acupuncture: Questions & Answers Jan 3rd, 2021

Question 1: Will Acupuncture Work for Any and All Ailments? Answer 1: There are many people who believe that Acupuncture will work for any and all ailments, but there are probably some diseases and ailments that just simply are not cured by acupuncture. For starters, little research has been done...

New Year, Less Stress: Why Massage Therapy Will Be Helpful in 2021 Jan 1st, 2021

With the new year upon us, there is importance in deciding how you will be taking care of yourself better in 2021. This year has been full of fear, uncertainty, and stress. Many individuals are creating a plan for how they will reduce their stress in the new year. One...

There Is A Natural Remedy For Depression Dec 30th, 2020

If you have ever been fighting depression, how many times has a friend or colleague told you to snap out of it and thought they were solving the problem. Well depression isn't like that. It is a deeply rooted problem that will not be cured overnight with some simple advice...

Your Subconscious Plays a Huge Part in Ending Binge Eating Dec 28th, 2020

If you had the ability to design your life the exact way that you wanted to, would you? If you could create every detail of your life, how would that be? What if I told you that you have this incredible power within you? What if I told you that...

Acupuncture For Stress Dec 27th, 2020

Early Studies In a study conducted at Yale University Medical School in the 1990's acupuncture was demonstrated to significantly reduce stress. The study showed that the technique succeeded in lowering blood pressure, anxiety state, heart rate and electrodermal activities in the majority of test subjects. In a second study, published...

Zinc: Important Mineral That Has Taken the Backseat Dec 23rd, 2020

Zinc is a mineral that is found in almost every cell in the human body, Despite its importance, this mineral is often taken for granted. A lot of people tend to remember zinc when they have a cold or sore throat. These people take zinc supplements and lozenges to treat...

Your Body Wants To Fight The Flu Dec 22nd, 2020

The body's immune system is our first line of defense against attacks from germs, bacteria, and viral agents like the flu. The immune system detects these harmful invaders and begins the process of isolating and destroying them. But the immune system only works if it has the fuel that it...

I am SO over this! Dec 22nd, 2020

Covid-19 has brought with it physical health, economic, mental stress.  You add to that political and holiday stressors and you have a large population that is stuggling.   Massage thearpy can provide some relief from all of that stress and in just 60 minutes leave you ready to fight another day.  ...

Acupuncture Versus Western Medicine Dec 21st, 2020

Science Versus Intuition The basic idea behind Western medicine is the knowledge and science behind every treatment that we can see.   Many advocates of Western medicine say that the United States has the best idea of medicine throughout all the world, but is it really true? Consider for a moment...

The Holistic Approach Massage Dec 19th, 2020

The massage is a holistic approach to countering the effects of the hard days' stress and exhaustion. Why it is holistic? It is because it focuses not only the body but the mind and spirit as well. It is not mere massage method that we are talking about but its...

Small Business Saturday Nov 27th, 2020

Get $80 off a NEW CLIENT Acupuncture Service Package: includes 90 min. intake + 3- 60 min. follow up visits- ✅Send the form below to by 8pm PST to get your NEW CLIENT Acupuncture Service Package for only $370.   Small Business Saturday Order Form

Cyber Monday Nov 27th, 2020

Get up to $100 OFF!! Hurry and get an Alpha Stim AID before the Sale Ends! ✅ Get $50 off of your FIRST MONTH: pay $100 for your first month. ✅ Save $100 on the PURCHASE of an Alpha Stim AID: only $695 + tax today. * Sale ends Monday,...

Black Friday Nov 27th, 2020

✅ Get select young Living's product for below retail price in this special Black Friday Event  Check out our Facebook page at

10 Reasons to See a Nutritionist Nov 13th, 2020

- Diet can affect mood. Come in to find out which foods you should avoid and which foods you should eat to increase energy and overall mood.    - Sustainable meal planning. The internet is full of misinformation about diet. Come in and we can set the record straight. Different diets...

Why did my Therapist recommend I see a Nutritionist? Nov 4th, 2020

Q: I had my first appointment with a therapist the other day and during the intake, my therapist asked my about my eating nutrition. What does that have to do with my mental health? A:  Do you remember these Snickers commercials that had the tag line.."You're not you when you're hungry"? Q:...

Let's chat about STRESS Oct 24th, 2020

We find ourselves in unprecedented times. I fully realize that this is a VERY tired phrase, and more than likely you’re sick of hearing it just as much as I am saying it. Let’s not kid ourselves, though – we are traversing uncharted territory here. The level of uncertainty we...

May is Mental Health Awareness Month May 5th, 2020

  For more than 65 years, May has been obsserved by organizations such as National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and Mental Health America ( MHA) have reserved the Month of May to bring emphaze and bring awareness to mental health.  Mental health is important all year, but the month of May gives the...

A TeleHealth response to COVID19 Apr 23rd, 2020

 Due the ongoing spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus, the World Health Organization (WHO), declared a pandemic.  In response,  public health experts around the world have encouraged individuals and organizations to use of social distancing to "flatten the curve" in their communities to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Because face-to-face appointments both risk the...

Eat this not That Apr 15th, 2020

If you eat junk you’ll feel like junk. I know right now it might be tempting to throw your hands up and say “forget healthy eating”.  But the foods you’re wanting to indulge in are only going to make you feel anxious and lethargic.    Here are a couple tips to...

Working from home: how it can damage your mental health Apr 15th, 2020

Source:   Thirty-five percent of workers who telecommute said their mental health had deteriorated as a result of doing so amid the coronavirus lockdown, according to a survey conducted by researchers at Keio University in Tokyo, among other institutions. The survey was conducted online on March 26-28, involving 8,475 employees — including non-regular...

Social Distancing= close to the Refrigerator Apr 14th, 2020

In this time of staying home to stay safe you may be feeling like you want to avoid the grocery stores for a couple weeks. Go ahead and buy the fruits and veggies that you know you’ll get to over the next week or so fresh. But then ones for...

The 3 Ps: Aug 9th, 2018

Positive ThinkingPsst!Are you one of those People? Are you  one of those positive people. Happy go lucky. Optimistic?Can do attitude? Are you and  Eager Beaver? Ready for a challenge? Do you  think outside the box? Do you find the silver linings in everything, even the in the face of disappoint  or even traumatic...

Lessons from Nature on being Coupled Jun 12th, 2018

Being coupled, comes with a unique set of rewards and challenges. One of the most prominent challenges that can occur with being coupled is that each person has is mentally and emotionally different. In a perfect world, being coupled would mean that we could read our partners every mood and...

What is mindfulness and why should I care? -Jeanne Hehlen, MS, LMHC Mar 16th, 2018

Mindfulness is one of the buzzwords that you hear a lot. What is it and why should youcare? If you look up the definition, you will see some version of the following: It is a state ofawareness in the present moment while calmly acknowledging and accepting your ownfeelings, thoughts, and...

Passion part 3: Passion as Raw emotion Mar 11th, 2018

Better late than never… due to illness, here is the final installment of the three part series. 3 Ways more Passion can change your life With Valentine’s day dropped square into the middle of it, February is unofficially Passion month. In honor of Passion month I thought I would share...

Passion Part 2: Passion as Suffering- Tony Daltoso, LMHC Feb 13th, 2018

While Passion as the Secret Ingredient is kind of sexy and at a minimum evokes curiosity, Passion as Suffering at a minimum sounds unpleasant and is likely to make many want to click past to another page. So I welcome and appreciate you reading this far because Passion as Suffering...

3 Ways more Passion can change your life!- Tony Daltoso, MA, LMHC Feb 12th, 2018

With Valentine’s day dropped square into the middle of it, February is unofficially Passion month. In honor of Passion month I thought I would share 3 ways More Passion can change your life for the better (and no this is not the ploy of a husband trying to get more...

Awaiting the Day that Counselors will Inherit the Earth: What I learned at the 2017 ACA Conference Apr 14th, 2017

This past March I had the pleasure of attending the American Counseling Association’s annual conference in San Francisco California. The American Counseling Association or ACA for short is a professional organization that represents and advocates for Counselors from all different fields from mental health to school to career and rehabilitation...

Emotion vocabulary—what do you feel? How do you name it? – Jeanne Hehlen Ms, LMHC, MHP Apr 14th, 2017

Children experience a variety of emotions, but when they are young, they usually don’t know how to name them or express them appropriately. As we begin to teach about emotions, we often show only three at the beginning: mad, sad, glad. These clearly don’t cover them all, and is only...

6 seemly small behaviors that are actually a big deal Apr 13th, 2017

Has the behavior of your loving little cherubs suddenly turned into something more fitting of a little monster? Are you struggling with what to do? Take a look at the article below. It lists some of the most common behaviors and some things to try. 6 Little Behavior Problems You...